“Beauty and the Beaker is the story of a brave and smart girl who already had an interest in science. She stuck with her curiosity when things got tough and made a discovery that saved many and will continue to! Just because she was a kid didn’t stop her from doing what she knew was right. The illustrations are colorful and engaging throughout the story. This is ideal for readers who enjoy STEM and girl power!” ​~Kids' BookBuzz
Beauty and the Beaker
by Sue Fliess
illustrated by Petros Bouloubasis
Albert Whitman & Company
ISBN-10: 0807506575
ISBN-13: 978-0807506578
In the aftermath of a cyclone, scientist Beauty finds the key to restoring power in a nearby pond.
Beauty is a scientist who is never without her beaker. When a beast of a storm hits her island home, Beauty discovers a type of green energy that will restore power to the community, and help many others, too.