I offer a variety of programs and am open to mixing and matching and brainstorming with you. My goal is to work with you on aligning my books and presentation with your goals or to have my presentation be in sync with topics you are working with your students on, as well as tying into your curriculum needs.
Many of my books have teacher or activity guides, and cover subjects including using your imagination, resilience, inventing, facing fears, overcoming obstacles, STEM, and problem-solving, while others include an overview of opposites, wordplay, letter-writing, or involve a craft that you could do with your kids. Most of my books are written in rhyme, which is key for children learning how to read. I want you to come away feeling good about my visit to your school. I also do readings of my books for preschools. Please visit my individual book pages here to find book activity guides, book trailers, and more.
Please go to my contact me form to ask about pricing and request a school visit, library visit, or speaking engagement today!
I'm almost fully booked for IN-PERSON (or virtual) AUTHOR VISITS
for the 2024-25 school year!
Reach out now to snag one of my last open dates!
Please read about my programs below, contact me for pricing, and BOOK ME today!
Interested in booking me for a virtual visit? We'll use the online meeting platform of the school’s choosing, hosted by the school librarian or other author liaison. I'm also about to add my own hosted virtual author visits through Zoom Events, so consider registering for one of those--no planning for you, just show up!
Teacher's Guides:
Create buzz around the visit by choosing a theme around one of my books. For example, "Dress like a Pirate Day," "Young Inventors Day," "Superhero Day," or "Magical Creatures Day."
It adds excitement to the visit if the children are familiar with my books. You can order a few copies for the school and share them with the classes with which I’ll be visiting. (I’m happy to sign bookplates and send them to you or sign them when I visit.)
Tips for a successful visit:

"Sue was very easy to work with and was prompt in her responses to requests for more information, availability, rates, and her program offerings. Sue was an absolute pleasure to work with and did not add any pressure or stress to an already challenging pandemic year. Our students were excited, engaged, and seemed to genuinely enjoy Sue's presentations, making connections with her and her works as an author, and couldn't wait to ask her questions. Sue has a vast collection of books, I think at last count she currently has 43 published and more in the works for future dates! She literally has something for everyone! We are a K-3 building, but Sue's publications and presentations could easily work for grades preK-5th grade. Kindergarten and first-grade received writing tips and coaching on how to become a better writer. Second and third-grade explored Sue's writing and connections to Science Technology Engineering and Math (STEM). I would highly recommend a school visit from this author, you won't be disappointed!" --Karen Hahn, Library Media Specialist, Crane Elementary School
"Sue Fliess was a wonderful presenter for our preschoolers--her books were fun and the rhymes and clever word plays delighted both the students and the teachers. Sue was able to engage with the students and get them excited about reading and storytelling." —Betsy Fenzel, Chevy Chase Bethesda Children’s Center
"Sue was fantastic! She differentiated her presentations for our kindergarten through fifth grade students so the content was appropriately engaging. Sue taught the children about the writing process and how important it is for students to persevere through writing challenges to create their best work. Her visit is still being talked about months later!" —Lauren Mihalik, Reading Specialist, Rolling Ridge Elementary
2023-24 In-Person & Virtual School Visits
Aldie Elementary, (VA)
Round Hill Elementary (VA)
Belvedere Elementary School (VA)
Wilson Wims Elementary (MD)
Legacy Elementary (VA)
Coman Hill Elementary (NY)
Episcopal School of Jacksonville (FL)
Our Lady of Hope Catholic School (VA)
Empowered Learning Center of Ashburn (VA)
Glenkirk Elementary (VA)
Cool Spring Elementary (VA)
Saint Mark Catholic School (VA)
Thomas Jefferson Middle/Lincoln Elementary (NJ)
Dickerson School (NJ)
Flocktown-Kossman (NJ)
Wyoming Seminary (PA)
Lindenwold School #4 (NJ)
Clermont Elementary School (VA)
Seldens Landing Elementary School (VA)
Chesterbrook Elementary School (VA)
Rolling Ridge Elementary School (VA)
Meadowland Elementary School (VA)
Loudoun Country Day School (VA)
Calverton School (MD)
Albert Harris Elementary (virtual)
Nevada Reading Week (virtual)
Meadowland Elementary (VA)
Harrisonburg VA Young Authors Event
St. David's Episcopal Preschool (VA)
Catapult Learning Parent Workshop (VA)
Radford Reads (VA)
Seesaw Learning (virtual)
Streamable Learning (virtual)
Washington County Free Library - guest author for all-day school visits (MD)
STORYTIME with Sue Fliess
This 20- or 45- minute program includes an introduction, a reading of my book(s), and brief Q & A with the kids. Book me for one or weekly, if you wish to do these virtually. I have 50+ books to share! If you'd like me for a longer in-person storytime, it's a 45 minute program and I would read 2-3 of my books along with a Q&A. Browse my books
General Assembly Presentations
45 minutes, includes a presentation and Q&A, (book reading optional)
The Truth About Writing (K-5)
A fun interactive true or false quiz that inspires kids to write. Discusses the life of a writer, idea generation, different ways to be a writer, and more.
Write What You Know (Research what you don't!) (3-5)
Sue will talk to students about fiction and non-fiction, how to research for both, and take a closer look at the process behind several of Sue's books.
Fun with STEM (The Science of a Good Story) (2-5/6)
It's fun to incorporate science and invention in books! Sue will talk about her STEM books: Cicada Symphony, Octopus Acrobatics, her Kid Scientist series, The Princess and the Petri Dish, Goldilocks and the Three Engineers, Sadie Sprocket Builds a Rocket and more, and how she works her STEM research into her books.
Rhyme Time (K-1) (30 minutes + story)
An interactive discussion about rhyme, meter and poetry, and Sue will talk about the different types of rhyme schemes in her books.
Fracture This! (2-5)
We'll discuss fractured fairy tales, nursery rhymes, and even fractured songs. Sue will talk about her own fractured stories and together the group will learn how to spark ideas to start their own.
Leave Room for the Illustrator (1-5)
Sue will discuss how, while writing picture books, it's important to think about what to leave out. When writers leave room for the illustrators, the stories take on more depth and imagination, and it makes for a better book. She will show many examples of her own work.
45 minutes, includes an introduction and Q&A, and time for students to share
Let's Write a Poem!
Sue will discuss the key elements of a strong poem and different types of poetry, and Sue will read some examples and ask students for their reactions. Finally, she'll give them prompts (visual and written) to choose from to write their own poems with her guidance.
Making "Sense" of Your Story
This workshop focuses on the importance of writing with detail, using all of the senses, and using "juicy" words. Students can work on a story they are currently writing, or Sue will give them a story beginning they will revise and expand on.
Fracture This!
Sue will discuss fractured fairy tales, nursery rhymes, and even fractured songs. She'll talk about her own fractured stories and together the group will learn how to spark ideas for their own and start them with her guidance.
Get Ready to Write!
Sue will discuss the elements of the story, sensory details, and give various writing prompts such as a story starter, a writing challenge, poem, a prequel or sequel to a book, letter to a main character).
Every Word Counts
The editing process: how making little changes can make your work a lot better.
Getting to Know Your Character
Sue will share tips on creating a believable character though a series of questions students will answer about their story's character.
"How To" You Do? How to write How-To books
Sue will talk about her Magical Creatures and Crafts Series of How To books that all include instructional writing. Kids will write their own instructions for an activity of their choosing, like making a sandwich, or the proper way to eat an ice cream cone.
Rhyme Time A fun interactive session where kids help create a rhyming poem with Sue.
What about older kids?
Sue can tailor any of her presentations or breakouts for older students as well – please ask me about it! Although her books are suited for younger audiences, she's spoken to middle school and high school students about many aspects of the writing process. (And discovered they love being read picture books at any age!)
Presentations for adults or older students
From My Brain to the Bookstore
The publishing process, from the idea to manuscript submission, all the way to the bookstore.
Top 10 Burning Questions about Publishing a Children's Book--and Answers!
Signed Books
I love to sign books! Though it's not required, I strongly encourage schools to coordinate book sales prior to my visit. It builds excitement for my visit as well as supports me personally and keeps my books in print. I work with my local independent bookseller Scrawl Books in Reston, VA, but am willing to work with your favorite local (preferably independent) bookstore if you are not local to me. The order form will have a link to my page at Scrawl, and there is a place to choose your school and a field to indicate who you'd like the book signed to. I will personally sign them ahead of my visit if your students order through Scrawl, otherwise I will send you signed bookplates to stick inside the books the students ordered. I am also happy to sign any books you have of mine in the school library, or if children bring copies of my books from home. We can coordinate this process upon booking.
Sample In-Person Visit Author Agreement: Download
Sample Book Order Form: Download

Other Details about my visit:
I request 10-15 minutes between sessions to prepare for the next group of students.
Ideas for funding a visit:
1. Apply for an Amber Brown Grant (Nov. 1 - April 15) for a chance to win a free author visit + $500
2. Check Sue’s event calendar and book her when she’s already in your area to save on travel costs
3. Share travel costs with other schools, libraries, or daycares in your district and book multiple events in the same day/week for discounted daily rates
4. Raise funds through book sales - schools may get a discount when ordering through Sue’s publishers
5. Ask the Parent/Teacher Association or other special interest club/fund for assistance
6. Apply for a community or educational grant from local organizations (Rotary, Kiwanis, etc.)
8. Choose a low-cost virtual storytime visit